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Black Lives Matter - A Note from the Omsom Founders

By Kim Pham

Unlearning + dismantling anti-Black racism is an intimidating, seemingly impossible task.

As of this note, we are only 3 weeks old as a company, but not "knowing where to start" or "how can a small business make an impact" are not excuses for not making tangible progress.

We're returning to our roots and to the core belief that Omsom is built on - that rising tides raise all boats and POCs can + should amplify one anothers’ mobility. 

A large part of that work is compensating Black folx equitably for their labor - whether emotional or professional - as America consistently + structurally robs them of opportunities for wealth and land accumulation.

Economic power is needed for change - so we're using our platform, small as it may be, to focus there.

Omsom is donating 5% of sales this month to Color of Change, a non-profit that works to build real power for Black communities. 

We are also sharing Black-owned businesses we love on our Instagram + Facebook channels weekly - and that we hope you can join us in supporting them!

As non-Black POCs, we have much to learn. We do not conflate the struggles of Asian America with those of Black America. Our proximity to whiteness means that we continuously benefit from white supremacy + the model minority myth. It’s on us to unlearn our compliance to anti-blackness.

Let's open our minds + our wallets and do that work.

Vanessa and Kim Pham, founders of Omsom

Vanessa + Kim Pham, Founders of Omsom

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