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That Viral Salmon Rice Bowl Recipe

We had to put our own twist on this viral salmon rice bowl -- thank you Emily Mariko 😛


Ang Cooks, @ang__cooks

10 min
serves 2


  • Air fryer
  • Bowl or plate


Serve with:

Makes the perfect lunch or dinner!


Recipe from community member, Ang (@ang__cooks) — inspired by Emily Mariko’s viral Salmon Rice Bowl.

Prep your salmon:

  1. Coat the salmon fillets in the Omsom starters. Marinate for at least 30 minutes or overnight for bolder flavor.

Let’s get cooking:

  1. Toss salmon in the air fryer and lightly spray with cooking spray.
  2. Air fry at 390° F for 12-15 minutes.

Assemble your bowl:

  1. In a medium bowl, add salmon, rice, Sriracha, soy sauce, mayo, furikake, and mix well.
  2. Serve with cucumbers and seaweed sheets. Enjoy!
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